Celebrating Friendship on Singles' Day


Singles' Day, originating in China, has become a global phenomenon, thanks to its association with extravagant shopping sprees and fantastic deals. While the 11.11 date has primarily been about celebrating one's single status and indulging in retail therapy, it's time to expand our perspective on this day. Instead of solely focusing on shopping for oneself, why not use Singles' Day as an opportunity to celebrate the incredible friendships that enrich our lives? This year, let's redirect our attention from consumerism to the value of companionship, acknowledging the importance of friendship in our lives. In this blog, we'll explore the concept of celebrating friendship on Singles' Day and how you can make this day extra special for your friends.


The Origins of Singles' Day

Singles' Day, also known as Double 11, emerged in China in the early 1990s as a counter-celebration to Valentine's Day. The date, 11/11, was chosen because of the four "ones," symbolizing single individuals. It started as an informal gathering of single friends to celebrate their status and enjoy each other's company. Over time, the holiday gained immense popularity and evolved into a shopping extravaganza, especially due to the efforts of e-commerce giant Alibaba. Today, it's known for record-breaking sales and shopping events, but the original spirit of Singles' Day as a day for singles to enjoy each other's company often gets lost in the frenzy.


Reclaiming the Essence of Singles' Day

While it's perfectly acceptable to take advantage of the incredible deals on Singles' Day and pamper yourself, it's equally important to remember the true essence of this day. This year, let's shift our focus from retail therapy to celebrating the special bonds we share with our friends. Here are some ways to celebrate friendship on Singles' Day:


1. Host a Singles' Day Gathering

Invite your single friends over for a cozy get-together. It could be a potluck dinner, a movie night, or even a game night. The idea is to create a warm and inviting space where you can relax, enjoy each other's company, and strengthen your friendships.


2. Send Thoughtful Messages

Take the time to send heartfelt messages to your friends, expressing your appreciation for their friendship. A simple text, a handwritten note, or a voice message can go a long way in conveying your feelings.


3. Plan a Virtual Hangout

If your friends are scattered across the globe, consider hosting a virtual hangout. Platforms like Zoom, Skype, or Google Meet allow you to connect with friends no matter where they are. You can play online games, chat, and share stories to make the day memorable.


4. Arrange Surprise Gifts

Surprise your friends with thoughtful gifts or tokens of appreciation. It doesn't have to be extravagant; a small, meaningful gesture can brighten their day and let them know how much you value their friendship.


5. Share Memories

Singles' Day is a perfect opportunity to reminisce about all the great times you've had with your friends. Go through old photos, watch videos, and share stories of your adventures together. Nostalgia can be a powerful bonding experience.


6. Volunteer Together

Use Singles' Day as an occasion to give back to your community. Volunteering together with your friends can be a rewarding way to celebrate your friendship while making a positive impact on the world.


7. Try a New Activity

Explore a new hobby or activity together. Whether it's cooking a new recipe, taking a dance class, or going on a hike, trying something new can create lasting memories and deepen your connection.


The Importance of Celebrating Friendship

Friendship is an invaluable aspect of our lives that often doesn't receive the recognition it deserves. It's easy to get caught up in the demands of work, family, and the busyness of life, but our friends are the ones who provide support, laughter, and a sense of belonging. Celebrating friendship on Singles' Day allows us to express gratitude for the people who stand by us through thick and thin.


1. Emotional Support

Friends are our pillars of strength during tough times. They provide a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, and unwavering emotional support. By celebrating friendship, we acknowledge the importance of this emotional connection and the comfort it brings.


2. Lifelong Companions

Friends often become lifelong companions who share our journey through various phases of life. Celebrating friendship on Singles' Day is an opportunity to reflect on the longevity of these relationships and the impact they have on our personal growth.


3. A Source of Joy

Friends add a layer of joy to our lives. Whether it's the inside jokes, the spontaneous adventures, or the shared laughter, friends are instrumental in making life more enjoyable. Recognizing their role on Singles' Day reminds us to cherish these moments.


4. A Support Network

In times of need, our friends form an essential support network. They are there to celebrate our successes and lift us up during setbacks. By celebrating friendship on Singles' Day, we reinforce the idea that we are not alone in our journey through life.


5. A Safe Space

True friends provide a safe space where we can be ourselves without judgment. Recognizing and appreciating this safe haven on Singles' Day encourages us to be open, honest, and vulnerable with those who matter most.



Singles' Day is an occasion to celebrate not just being single but also the incredible friendships that make our lives richer. In a world where consumerism often overshadows the importance of genuine connections, let's reclaim the essence of this day by focusing on the bonds we share with our friends. Whether it's through gatherings, heartfelt messages, or acts of kindness, celebrating friendship on Singles' Day reminds us of the immense value that our friends bring to our lives. So, this 11.11, let's indulge in the joy of companionship and make Singles' Day a true celebration of friendship.